
WWW 2016 paper accepted – Measuring urban social diversity using interconnected geo-social networks

Our paper with Desi Hristova, Mirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo, and Pietro Panzarasa has been accepted for the main track at WWW 2016. Update: Additional coverage of this work at WIRED UK (and podcast episode), Independent, Phys.

Visiting Researcher at UCL

From June 2015 I will be a visiting researcher at UCL’s Department of Geography.

ICWSM 2015 paper accepted – Privacy and the city: User identification and location semantics in location-based social networks

Our paper with Luca Rossi, Christoph Stich, and Mirco Musolesi has been accepted at ICWSM 2015. PDF to follow.

Attending NHS Hack Day Cardiff

I’ll be at this year’s NHS Hack Day Cardiff to build something cool with Martin Chorley, Will Webberley, and some Computational Journalism students. NHS Hack Day Cardiff Sat 24-25 January 2015 Website | Registration

Program Committee ICWSM 2015 (Oxford, UK)

I am a member of the Technical Program Committee for the next ICWSM. Please consider submitting. ICWSM 2015 in Oxford, UK Abstracts Due: January 18, 2015 Full Papers Due: January 23, 2015 Main Conference: May 26-29, 2015

Attending SINS 2014

I’ll be attending SINS'14 (Social Impact through Network Science) at Lake Como, Italy on 14-17 October 2014. Post-workshop update: Here’s a photo from beautiful Lake Como.

Attending Workshop on Computational Models of Social Interaction

I’ll be attending the Workshop on Computational Models of Social Interaction at University of Birmingham. To be held on 9th October 2014.

Foursquare Global Hackathon – Cardiff, September 2011

I’m co-organising the Cardiff Foursquare Hackathon with Chris Gwilliams and Martin Chorley. The Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics is kindly supporting it with facilities and enthusiasm. It will be held on the 17th and 18th September, in conjunction with the Global Foursquare Hackathon event.